Eye on Malaysia

Venue:Kuala Lumpur
Phone : 603 2166 1106
Fax : 603 2166 1101
Website: http://www.eyeonmalaysia.com.my/
See Kuala Lumpur as never before…!
As Malaysia celebrates its 50th year of nationhood, we are proud to welcome the world to join the jubilee! An integral part of the Visit Malaysia Year 2007 celebrations, “Eye on Malaysia” brings a
new perspective to the dynamic city of Kuala Lumpur.
Soaring to giddy heights 60 metres above the tropical waters of Lake Titiwangsa,
“Eye on Malaysia” is the largest portable wheel in the world, and the first overhanging a lake.
The “Eye on Malaysia” provides stunning views across Lake Titiwangsa, all the way to the world renowned Petronas Towers and KL Tower.This astounding viewing wheel consists of 42 fully air-conditioned gondolas, 39 of which have the capacity to carry a cosy eight passengers per 12-minute ride.