Save Our Heritage Atkinson Clock Tower Petition

Save Our Heritage Atkinson Clock Tower Petition

To: The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment / Sabah Government

We, the people of Sabah and concerned Malaysians are appealing to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment under the Sabah State Government for the following: 

1) To put a halt to the development of the 16-storey commercial shopping mall and hotel to be built immediately next to the 105-year-old historical Atkinson Clock Tower, Kota Kinabalu’s heritage landmark built in 1905. 

2) Redefine and gazette a larger area of the Atkinson Clock Tower hill and its surrounding environment to be safeguarded against commercial development for perpetuity. 

3) To counter propose and redevelop the site of Atkinson Clock Tower and its surroundings as a green lung, historical tourist attraction and public recreation park for the citizens of Kota Kinabalu city.

(Join our Facebook community on and read more about the issue on 


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Merlimau Pantai Jetty - Jetty Nelayan Merlimau Pantai

Merlimau Pantai Jetty For Fishery for fishman boats to land and sell fish and others.

2.13019. N, 102.41614 E (coord.)

Jeti Nelayan Merlimau Pantai - 14 Sep 2010

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